Delivery methods
We deliver anywhere in the world!
Delivery in Russia
Self-collection is available only at Avipark shopping center, metro CSKA, Trend island store (3rd floor, social market corner). For self-collection, be sure to notify us 24 hours in advance to check the availability of the item.
Payment on the spot
Russian Post
Calculation of delivery costs is individual
International shipping
100% prepayment
Shipping is done by international mail. The average cost of shipment is 2000₽/20$. In CIS countries delivery is carried out with the help of SDEK service. Calculation of the cost of delivery is individual.
Delivery is made by Yandex courier service on the day of the order, subject to availability of the item and readiness for shipment. The cost of the shipment depends on the workload of couriers.
100% prepayment
Actual price Yandex
Calculation of delivery costs is individual
In distant regions can be sent by Russian Post.
Courier delivery in Moscow
Delivery within Russia is carried out by CDEK service. On average, the parcel reaches in 4-5 days in Russia, the exact terms depend on the delivery service. The order is shipped within 5 working days after placing the order.
300 руб.
Payment on receipt
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Public offer ИНН 165810920983, ОГРН 323169000224299, Р/с 40802810100005321069, ИП Арсланов Тимур Маратович
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© All Right Reserved. XCNC.
Public offer.
ИНН 165810920983, ОГРН 323169000224299,
Р/с 40802810100005321069,
ИП Арсланов Тимур Маратович